Thursday, December 30, 2010

NEWS FLASH!!!!!!!!!!1

We arent in freaking highschool anymore!!!!!!!!! no matter how small your bubble may be mine has grown. so either join me in adulthood or fuck off. I dont have time for this stupid shit anymore.

If you think this is about you then maybe you should be asking yourself what you have done to piss me off lately and talk to me about it.

and if its not about you then thanks for reading anyway :D

That is all. going to bed.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Giving up facebook...and the computer

Well ok we all know I cant REALLY give up the computer all together. I have bills to pay and as I said im going to be blogging more. But I was thinking about it and although I love facebook and being able to reconnect with friends and family and play games it just takes up to much of my time. I am a mom of two wonderful kids with a husband who is home on leave and I just dont think the computer is needed at this time. I feel like even though im here everyday with them im missing out on so much of their life. I want to do arts and crafts with lily and teach zaiden more words. I have the hardest but most rewarding job ever. Its not always easy but when it comes down to it im so blessed and thankful to be able to be a stay at home mom. I dont have to work and we still live really comfortable. I am blessed with a husband who agrees with my thoughts on staying home so a parent is present in our kids lives all the time.

Now dont get me wrong, im not saying if you do it different you are wrong. This is just what works for me and my family. I think that I waste so much time on the computer looking up stupid crap that I add to my stress when the house isnt as clean as I want it to be or the laundry isnt done when I want to wear something or im trying to plan last minute dinners. Its time for me to get back to my family. They are growing up way to fast and I dont want to miss a second.

so if you need to get a hold of me you can send me an email to and it will come to my phone or just send me a text. or you can call me lol. anyway that is all for now. expect a blog later tonight. We are going to church soon and then going to do some Christmas shopping :D sooooo excited! a wheelchair and a stroller through the mall should be fun hahahahaha. ok well ta ta for now!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Things I Love...and other stuff

Im not gonna lie....its been difficult and stressful the last little bit at the Bundt house. Taylor is now home from afghan land and has had his knee surgery which we thank God for they were able to repair his knee. Its alonger recovery and more painful but it will be a better outcome. Im really proud of him for all he does for our family even if I dont always show it. I wear my stress and my heart on my sleeve and unfortunately sometimes its aimed right at him even when he doesnt deserve it. Sorry baby. I love you so much and appreciate everything you do for the family. Zaiden is now baby is no longer a baby...even though im not considering him a toddler cause hes still not walking lol. That counts right? We find something new he is allergic to or sensitive to everyday lol. My poor bubba love got my immune system and bad luck. The poor boy was stung in the tounge by a bee and we found out he was allergic to bees, He was allergic to disposable diapers for a long time so he was put into cloth, then started getting yeast infections and horrible diaper rashes from the cloth so now he is in huggies all natural organic diapers and still gets little rashes here and there but nothing like it was. He is lactose intolerant so he is on all soy lol and at his one year check up he was 31 inches tall and almost 25 pounds. hes my big boy :D He has taken a few steps but shows no real interest in walking yet. and sweet lily bug. that child amazes me......she is so smart and so sweet and loving...I feel bad when I have to yell at her for asking her to do something 20 thousand times......she just recently found scissors and cut her own hair. you can see the pics on facebook lol. I hated the haircut at first but now I love it.....she looks so cute with some bows or headbands and it fits her...although I cant wait for the long hair to be back to now on to things im thankful for. the reason im making this list is because things have been a little stressful lately......nothing has seemed to be going right and I just wanted to get a break and have something good happen. a great friend reminded me that I am very blessed and have lots of great things in my life...I just needed to make a list to remember here I go

1. I am grateful that even though it was not easy on my body God blessed me with two wonderful babies

2. I love that zaiden calls for mama when he is upset or hurt or wants some lovies

3. I love that lily wakes me up in the morning saying "mommy please wake up...its a beautiful day"

4. I love when zaiden is crying lily tells him its ok brother...dont cry

5. I love that even after almost 5 years of being married I still get butterflies in my tummy when my hubby looks at me

6. I love that zaiden knows his dada and smiles at him and giggles at him ( tay was gone for the majority of his first year so im really happy they bonded)

7. I love that we own our may not always be great and it may not be cheap but it is ours...and I can do whatever I want to it :D

8. I love watching lily and zaiden learn new things and knowing that we taught them that

9. I love my parents more then they will ever know. for all the fights and punishments and made me who I am today

10. I love my brothers and im glad that we can now all day that we like eachother lol

11. I love that my family treats my kids so great and lets them know how loved they are

12. I love buying presents for people....we are so blessed with everything we have and are able to get and I love sharing that with other people

13. I love seeing someones face when you give them a present that was just perfect for them.

14. I LOVE my morning coffee even if it doesnt always love me back lol

15. I love that through my negative experiences in life...pregnancy, delivery, breastfeeding, money, family, and many more that I can help other people when they encounter problems

16. I love that I get my new fridge tomorrow lol

17. I love hooka

18. I love cherry pepsi with tattoo rum

19. I love Katelyn Demidow ( you should check out her blog

20. I love how blogging makes me feel...I should do it more

21. I love all my friends that I have made here....they are great support and love

22. I love that im in touch with old friends

23. I love that I am in a better mood now because i thought of all the things I love

24. I love that I can sit on my butt and have a drink and not feel guilty tonight

25. last but not least....I love Dogs. I have had the pleasure of knowing some great dogs in my great puppy joined God in doggy heaven early this morning....her name was roxy and although I may have made fun of her and given her crap(sorry about that roxy) I loved her a lot. She was a great cuddle bear and she protected my mom and loved my mom til her last breath. You will be greatly missed Roxy.

Thats all I got for tonight but I promise it wont be so long next time. Enjoy!!!!!!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

its just so sad.......

When its been so long since you wrote a blog you cant even remember your login. anyway here it goes

actually there is so much to say and not a whole lot of it would be nice so maybe its better I dont write one hahahahahahaha.

I think sitting here and enjoying the rest of my hooka and going to bed will be more in order. I am going to try and keep up more with this blog because some days I am interesting. not all the time but sometimes.

i need a vacation.

The end

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Its been far to long

I need to get back into this blogging thing!!!!! I have been doing things like a mad woman on the go non stop and its finally catching up to me. phew! lol

well a few things that have been going on....lil zaiderman is trying to crawl and can pull himself up into a sitting position!!!!! he is so funny when he is trying to crawl...he gets up on all fours and rocks and moves his knee forward but hasnt gotten the move the arm forward yet...although I expect it to happen soon. and the sitting up thing is HUGE for him. He just had no desire to sit up at first...he knew how but didnt want to. and now that he can pull himself up he just army crawls everywhere and then sits up. I love it!!!! Its really bitter sweet though since he is our last and I feel like it is going by in the blink of an eye. I have been trying to take more pics and videos but they are mostly on my phone so i can send them to hubby. I am very much ready for him to be home.....I miss him like crazy and lily is getting impatient and wonders why daddy has been at work for so long lol. I keep telling her daddy is on an adventure with diego and will be home soon!

Lily.....oh sweet....adorable....terrible two lily. She is the sweetest most loveable hugable adorable child when she wants to be but can switch to a total demon in a matter of seconds. I know she i sjust testing me most of the time but i can say I have failed a few of those tests. I try not to give in to much but its so hard to find the balance between being over strict and under strict. Of course we all want our children to be happy but where do we draw the line? is it at the extra story at bed time? at the wanting to eat only fruit snacks and hot dogs for 3 days? I mean whatever makes them happy right? That was my theory up until a few days ago. Lily has started boycotting bedtime like its going out of style. it has become a hour and a half to two hour battle to get her to go to bed and i can say that my patience is thin and non existant after about 30 min of the struggle. I think I may have found a solution.....although not one im proud of......I have been told to take away her favorite toy as a punishment but the problem is she doesnt have one. yes my 2 year old does not have a favorite toy. her favorite thing is watching her cartoons. I have been wanting to cut back her tv time for awhile now since she learned to go in the guest room and turn on the tv if she didnt like the music mommy was i think i found a solution

I moved the tv up to her room and im only going to let her watch it at bedtime. So far tonight it has been working great and she has only come out twice. once to ask mommy for a kiss and once to ask mommy for a hug. I know this may not be the best solution and maybe its a bad idea but for now I can say that im liking it because tonight is the first night I have not sat on her floor crying. Have you ever just gotten to apoint...after the yelling, and the bartering and the spankings that you just are at a loss of what to do? That was me every night....I just didnt know what to do so eventually I would sit on her floor and cry.....pathetic? maybe.....but I just couldnt handle the stress lol. Another reason we are only have 2 kids. i dont think I could handle anymore.

anyway she is still a great kid and apparently is a lot like I sorry mommy! I feel for you! lol. she can now sing twinkle twinkle little star and still sings her own little version of you are my sunshine that I love. she has the cutest little voice and my heart melts everytime she sings. she also loves to read to her babies....and she loves to play with zaiden most of the time lol. she can get a little possesive over her toys but she does like to bring him stuff and try to teach him stuff. right now she is helping me teach him dada......oh thats another thing!!! zaiden says mama and baba....loudly! lol we are working on dada but he just looks at me like im stupid and screams mama. lol i dont think he actually knows im mama I think hes just making noises.

He has gotten to be such a chunky boy. He got off boob and onto formula and chunked right up. I love it! I love his little fat rolls. he is so ticklish on his chubby thighs and on his ribs....his laugh is just so great. the sweetest baby laugh you have ever heard. I cant believe how similar and yet how different him and lily are. I mean they look exactly alike....they got some good genes thats just plain to see but they are similar in a lot of ways other then appearance.

In other news lets see......we are getting our backyard done finally!!!!! after living here for over a year we got a brand new beautiful red wood fence and are getting sod and all sorts of great plants put well as....hold your breath.....starting a garden!!!!! anyone who knows me knows I cant keep plants alive for anything lol but we are going to start growing our own veggies and fruit and whatever else we can. it will be an adventure thats for sure....tays gonna have to show me the ropes.

I dont know what else to really write about....a lot has been going on but same ole same ole at the same time lol. If that makes sense. I will make sure I start updating more then once a year lol. Love all you who read!!!!!!

Friday, June 18, 2010

Wow how long has it been?

Well howdy!!!! I know I havnt posted anything in a looooong time but I havnt really had much to say and at the same time so much going on. TO much to update on but lets start with today.....Today lily got her big girl furniture.......My baby girl is no longer a baby girl. She now has a twin bed, a 6 drawer dresser and a desk with a hutch.....oh and of course a nightstand. I cant lie and say im ready for this......A lot of the time I still look at her and see her as zaidens size....even though I can have a full blown conversation with her and she understands me and I understand her. It still breaks my heart to think my little first born is getting so big. but I must accept she is.

Taylor and I recently decided that these 2 beautiful angels will be our only beautiful angels. I mean of course if something happened we would deal with it but another wont be planned. It wasnt an easy decision but after everything that we went through with zaiden it just doesnt seem practical to try and have another one. not to mention we like spoiling our babies and being able to give them anything we want.....yes they are spoiled I will admit that lol. I think this is why watching lily get so big is so hard because I know zaiden is right behind her and then I will be done with babies. Thank God my friends are baby making machines so I can always get my baby fix :D

lets see what else has happened.....we took the kids on their first camping trip and it went very well. I love hanging out with my parents.....they are some of my best friends. we are going again for July 4th weekend and I cant wait!!!! When taylor gets back we will be going again......I love camping and it will make it so much better when my hubby is here with us, right where he belongs. I miss him so much and it sucks but we are about half way down.....I think....I would have to check dates lol. anyway I dont really have to much to say cause its been so long but im going to get back into blogging everynight. it helps alot. so that is my story for now. Until tomorrow!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

new blog as promised

I know I have been totally slacking but there has been so much going on!!!!! Lots of re-evaluation, a great visit from my mommy to help me keep my sanity, a birthday party, great freinds, my adorable children and of course this wouldnt be complete without mommy being sick.....oh wait....thats a bad thing.....

well yes I am started out as just my sinuses draining and progressed to a throat infection....not strep...just a throat infection and a massive sinus headache so im dealing with that as best as possible.

I have been learning how to deal with the kids in different ways....its so different being a parent of two and trying to cope with terrible twos and a needy baby (hes not bad hes just spoiled) and house projects and house work and so on and so forth. and the deployment......oh man the deployment. its been hard this time around. for various reasons. I miss him like crazy all the time and then of course there is the mis communication that takes place over email when you cant hear their voice or see their reaction. it leads to tension and fighting but I know we will come out on the other end of this stronger and more in love. I cant believe we have been married over 4 years....its just so crazy to me. I cant wait for our 5 year anniversary when we go get married by Elvis...everyone thinks im joking but its totally gonna happen hahahahahaha.

anyway back to my life the past little mom came down for the weekend and we did some serious retail damage at ross....I ended up returning most of the clothes cause they didnt fit right but it was fun shopping anyway. i cant wait til I lose all the baby weight! I know my body will never be the same cause I was assaulted by two babies but to just have the number down would make me happy. They were worth it though. I love that everyday they teach me something new...and they are teaching me to be more patient.

Today lily counted to 10.....I said hey lily lets count to 10 and she just did it....she skips the number 6 most of the time but she rambles off the other numbers like its nothing...I was so shocked and so proud because I taught her that. All those times I didnt think she was listening she was and she was learning. its just a beautiful feeling. we are working on the abc's to.....shes so funny cause she has the beat down for the abc song but doesnt know the letters. she will say a b c **insert lily babble here** and its so cute!!!!!! we went over each letter slowly and she repeated it back perfect. im just so proud of her. she is def in her terrible twos but she can be so damn adorable when she wants to.

and z that child is just such a pig. He is LOVING that he gets baby food now and if his rice cereal isnt on time in the morning he lets you know....if he doesnt get his lunch oh man watch out! lol. I love that he rolls everywhere and reaches for stuff and just the fact that he is so fascinated by the smallest things......his fav thing ever is the vacuum. That bad boy comes out and he is so excited!!!!!! he reaches for it and laughs at it. one of his fav things is to sit on my knee and I nuzzle his neck and he just laughs and laughs. He is such a cuddle bug and I love it. im hoping its not only cause hes breastfed cause I dont know if that is slowly coming to an end. He gets formula everyday before bed now and sometimes during the day because I fear my supply is getting low. all in all though I cant be upset because I made it to my goal of 6 months. anything beyond that was a huge plus and he is officially 6 months. for anyone that doesnt know I was only able to breastfeed lily for 8 weeks and it took a huge toll on me emotionally. I wanted so badly to be able to breastfeed and have a natural delivery and it just seemed like nothing with lily went to plan. I cant complain about it though because it made me a stronger made me realize not everything goes to plan and all you can do is hope for the best and push through the worst.

man this blog is a big babble tonight. maybe I should end it here and start fresh tomorrow. The fence is almost done so hopefully i will have completed pics of it tomorrow. I also will be waking up and cleaning and doing laundry and then going to a play date and more cleaning. I wish I could go to the gym but seeing how I am coughing every 5 seconds and my throat feels like its on fire this week is just not a gym week. and I must clean anyway because I HATE coming home to a messy house after being gone for a few days. Until tomorrow!

Saturday, May 15, 2010

im a craptastic blogger lol

well I have taken a few days off to figure some things out. Im not dead and im not has just happened the past few days and I needed to re-evaluate some things and do some serious retail therapy. lol. Tomorrow I am going to a bday party for mr max so I will update either tomorrow night or monday morning. Sorry this isnt more interesting! lol Bye bye for now!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Not really in the blogging mood

well its has been an ok day. Not the most frustrating but not the easiest either. The fence was supposed to be started today but it was held up again.....maybe tomorrow. The day started out like any waking up.....lily asking for milk....zaiden screaming for milk lol and mommy wanting her coffee. i woke up with a stuffy nose, sore throat and a sore ear. The day got better though and we went to target to get a few things and then went to ms judys to hang out. Always a pleasure to hang out there because lily keeps busy, zaiden plays on the floor and I get to talk to one of my best friends :D

Zaiden is so goofy lol he has learned that his arms and legs move so he will throw his legs then start making weird panting sounds but he is doing it out of excitement hahahaha. i will have to get it on video cause it is just so cute. I love that he is learning to put his arms up kinda when he wants to be picked up. and I love taht I can put him on my chest and he will snuggle and then look up at me with that toothless little grin and smile away. I love that he loves his sister so much and that she loves him. I love that they love me despite the fact that im still learning. Im not going to be one of the moms that pretends everything is perfect and lies to myself and to everyone saying that I do everything right.....I KNOW I dont.....I know I lose my patience more then I should. I know that I talk loud and it can be taken as yelling. I know that I yell at lily when I get frustrated but the difference between me and "the perfect moms" is I am working on it. I would rather admit that im not perfect and work to improve myself everyday then to sit there and act like everything is perfect when in the long run there is no doubt I will fuck up my kids eventually.....omg did I just say the f word?!?!??! holy shiza I totally did. yeah well this is me..... This is the me that I hide from a lot of people and im done. I am a wonderful person, an amazing friend, a caring sister, a loving wife and mom and im the most perfect person that I can possibly be at this point in time.

Im so sick of pretending to be someone im not to impress people. Of holding back my opinion for fear of hurting someones feelings...I mean granted there is a time and place to state an opinion and there are nice ways of doing things but from here on out im not going to say I like something when i dont, im not going to tell you its ok when its not going to take your shit anymore. is this about ONE person? NOPE! this is about a few people in general and all i have to say is if you dont like me then remove me from your life. If you dont want to be around me then dont....if you dont want to be there for me when I need you then dont wonder why im not there when you need me.

I would hope that if you ask the true close friends I have that they would tell you im a wonderful person. I would hope that they would say they know I would be there anytime day or night for them and that if they needed the shirt off my back or the bra off my boobs i would give it to them....even if that meant my boobs would sag.

I hope that my friends know I will come to them with a problem instead of talking behind their back. I will let them know when im in a bad mood and they usually cheer me up. I will let them know when im hanging on my a thread and i need someone to pull me back to reality.

You know what my friend katie does that for me alot. im not saying my other friends dont...i love all of you believe me I love you with all my heart and you are my family but katie gets me. She always knows what to say even if that means saying nothing. She reminds me that each day is beautiful and I need to remember that everyday and not take my kids or my life for granted. she accepts me for ALL my faults.....she talks to me in my darkest moments and in my happiest times. she lifts me up when I need it and brings me crashing back to reality when i need it to.

Lindsey....oh man lindsey lol. we have been through soooooo much. we have had so many ups and downs but I know that no matter what we will die being friends. She reminds me that having the patience of a saint is possible....she reminds me that although a deployment is hard you can make it through with grace.....she reminds me that no matter what shit storms life throws you that you WILL make it through with the love of friends.

all of my friends that i have made here in menifee or temecula or murietta or wherever....what can I say....i cant say enough. they saved me........they saved me from myself. They gave me a life outside of my house......they also remind me that each day is beautiful and there is so much fun and joy in just sitting back and watching our kids learn and play and lets face it sometimes beat up eachother.

I love the fact that i have friends that I can go months without speaking to and when we pick up that phone its right back to how it used to be. Thats not always the case......but its nice when it is. I have friends that I have lost touch with or dont call as much as i should and for that im sorry. it was never my intention to not have you in my life...if it was my intention you would have known. and if your reading sorry. I hope that we can be close again someday.

I wish i could have these wonderful fuzzy feelings for all of my family and all of the people I have met in my life.....lets face life we are forced to deal with people we dont want to....forced to smile when all we want to do is scream.....forced to hide tears when we want to cry a river and drown in it.....but its the love of friends and family that pull us through.

I promise now to myself that i will no longer hide who i am. I promise now to myself to be the best mom I can be. I promise now to myself to be the best wife I can me. and I promise to be the best friend i can be.......I promise now to deal with situations I dont want to deal with and to do it with grace and dignity. and I promise now to not let what YOU think of me compromise what I think of myself.

sorry this is rambling. Tomorrow will be a happier blog I promise.

and for anyone that thinks I forgot my husband no i didnt forget my husband....he is my other half....he is me with a penis and there arent enough words in the world to describe how much he means to me. just to clear that up lol

jenny out!

Monday, May 10, 2010

Bad mommy! bad mommy!!! bad blogger!

So I havnt written since friday and im sorry about that. I had a busy weekend and then yesterday was a hard day and I just wasnt in the blogging mood. well lets see saturday was a fabulous day!!!! We went to Ms.paige's 2nd birthday party and had so much fun!!!! there was an awesome dip there I need to ask how to make cause it makes my mouth happy :D There was a bouncer , ice cream, cake and presents....all in all the perfect birthday party. The kids had so much fun and the adults relaxed and had fun to. After the birthday party I took the kiddies home because zaiden was being a pill again...lets face it thats nothing new for him lol. so after much trying and trying I put him down for bed......then I went out and mowed and edged the lawn....yes thats right I MOWED AND EDGED THE LAWN! The things you learn how to do when your hubby is no longer around to do them lol. It does look pretty snazzy if i do say so myself. So zaiden woke up again ( I think he must be teething really bad cause he has been refusing sleep lately) and I got him back down again and called Judy to tell her I wasnt gonna come over cause the kids were being pills and I was tired and bla bla bla......She asked me what I had been doing so I told her I had mowed and edged the lawn and now I was just weeding the front yard......she was not happy with me!!!!!! Apparently Rochelle and her hubby were going to surprise me for mothers day and do the front yard for me so I wouldnt have to!!!! how sweet is that!!!! Epic fail on my part but I had no idea! lol so after talking with judy and then calling rochelle to thank her it was decided that a fun night at judys was in order so that I didnt sit home and clean. Pack up the kids, pack up the kids crap, pack up my crap and off we go!!!!! It was a UFC fight night so we watched some of that...dude did anyone see that guys eye! so crazy! After the fight the men folk went to the garage to.......well I guess do what guys do. I think there was some drinking and poker involved, and the girls headed out back to smoke hooka, have a drink or 2 and be awesome cause...well we rock! I got to talk to hubby for 4 min and 13 seconds so that was nice :D we ended up staying up til 2 am and I was told I was spending the night lol. In the morning Judy made some awesome pancakes that made me smile!!!!! and Hubby called me again and I got to talk to him for a little bit longer this time. Hearing his voice can brighten my mood anytime. I miss him so much!!!!!!!

Then sunday....Mothers day!!!!! I got happy mothers day from all of my great friends and family......I got to spend it with my kids....but I was in a funk all day. I missed Taylor a lot yesterday because to me Mothers day is really only fun if you have someone to celebrate it with...other then your kids. yesterday (aside from breakfast) was just like any other day. I was still chasing after 2 kids, trying to get them to nap, making lunch, making dinner, changing diapers, cleaning up....and I even picked up dog poop. Im not trying to whine or complain but yesterday was just hard. I cant wait til hubby is home and life goes back to normal.....ill still be doing everything but at least I can bitch at him for not doing anything....hahahahahaha ok just kidding. I dont mind doing all the be honest I feel somewhat empowered that I CAN do all this stuff. I mean not a lot of women can take care of 2 kids and a house and a yard and pay bills, do playdates, the gym and all the millions of other things I do and keep not totally sane by any means but im pretty sane hahahaha. so there was me tooting my own horn for a min.

sorry this blog isnt very interesting I have to find my camera to upload some pics hahahahaha. Blog to come later tonight about todays festivities! I get to spend part of the day with judy and we are tackling the impossible task or organizing my cluttter filled house. cant wait to get rid of some stuff! weeeeee.....Untill later tonight!!!! Ta ta!

Friday, May 7, 2010

Thank God its friday....oh wait...that doesnt apply to me

well its friday friday friday! I remember when I was in school or working and had the weekend off it was always "YAY ITS FRIDAY!!!!" well now im on call 24/7 so friday is just another day....when hubby was home it was always a day to rejoice about because that meant I got him for 2 whole days!!!!!!! They say in the military that the wife is the wife and the military is the mistress......yeah right! Military is the wife and sometimes that bitch gets all the attention hhahahahaha. Ok I cant bitch because his sacrifice provides me and my kids with a wonderful life and roof over our heads( love you baby you mean everything to us!)

anyway back to my started out as a wonderful morning waking up next to buggy....oh wait no she wasnt there...she was in playing with brother hahahahaha. It was a great morning til I looked at the clock and realized my kids had slept in til 8 15......a good thing til you remember you had a docs apt at 8 30.....whoops! first phone call of the morning...luckily the lady had kids and laughed....especially when I told lily" Lily dont play with that.....Lily what did momma just say? Lily your gonna fa...." **insert lily saying ouch here** "See baby I told you not to play with it....." oh man! lol

so I go in and get my oh so happy bubbas and I head downstairs to start the morning off right with some breakfast. I decide that im going to make a REALLY BIG omlet for lily and was going great til I realized oh yeah I suck at making omlets.....this is what it looked like prior to flipping

Then I flipped it....well lets just say it then became scrambled eggs with spinach and cheese....lily still liked it so we went with it :D

Zaiden was looking at my food like "mom can I have some?"

"wait mom what do you mean I cant eat that yet?"

Then it was time to get ready to go see all my ladies for what was going to be a fabulous play date! I finally get to see ky ky after what feels like a million years!!!!!!! so ok lets get the kids dressed......check....get mommy dressed....check....everything seems to be going without a hitch.....I put clips in lilys hair...searched for her shoes then remembered they were in the car...put the dogs out...packed some snacks and then go to put zaiden in his car seat

**sniff sniff**

dammit!!!! im telling you it never fails...Everyone gets ready and one of my kids always poops before we leave the change z mans diaper and finally load everyone into the car......Off to the playdate!!!!

it was a wonderful reunion with ms ky and claire bear has grown so much since I saw her last.....**tear**.....Lily was so happy to see her boyfriend asher....I wish I could have gotten their faces on camera when they saw eachother again. it was adorable!!!!!!

The playdate was fabulous filled with great food, great conversation and best of all great ways for the kids to tire themselves out!

After it started to die down it was just me and Rochelle, Maria and Yvette and the kids played......The babies were being so good and the kids got to play in the water and just enjoy the day. I couldnt help but think how blessed I am to have met all these wonderful ladies. They make the deployment so much easier and I would be totally lost without my mommas! Love you ladies!!!!!! Lily didnt want to leave the playdate but it was almost 5 and Z man was hungry and I knew lily was tired so away we go.....Lily was asking me for some crackers so I handed a few back to her...she asked one more time so I went to hand her some more and this is what I saw

Dont worry I took them when we had stopped...but seriously how cute is that!!!!

so we get home and both kiddies go down for a nap so mommy gets to eat some dinner in peace....of course we know that the peace couldnt last long and z man woke up and wanted some dinner.....he is a messy eater so that lead to bath time.

and then of course lily woke up and wanted to eat and then take a why not put her butt in the sink to

after babies were bathed and zaiden man fed some more the kiddies are off to bed and mommy is relaxing.......well that was my day...again...a simple life but I wouldnt have it any other way. Thanks for reading!!!!!!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Just another thursday in the house of Bundt

Well today has been pretty uneventful......I woke up this morning with every intention of going to the gym but the kids had other ideas......First zaiden was non stop hungry even though he had just eaten...ok no can handle the boob and some cereal. I got both of the kids dressed and me dressed for the most to find socks...hmmmm know..those things you wear with shoes? Oh yeah im in CALIFORNIA! all I wear is flip flops!.....well crap...ok I just bought some where did I put that damn my room? no that would make the kitchen where I drop all my crap? still to much sense.....ok did I leave it in the car? ive been known to do that time to time......nope not in the car....oooo look I did find my make up bag though! sweet.......WHERE ARE THE F-ING SOCKS!!!!! ok ill give up on those socks....then try and see if we can find any socks upstairs.....after much digging I did finally find a pair of im sitting on the couch putting on my socks that are no doubt to big cause I think they are hubbys when I call lily so I can help her put on her shoes.....
**sniff sniff** Lily did you poop?


**sniff sniff** Lily I know you pooped

yeah mommy I pooped.... to get lily a new diaper....where did I put those diapers? hehehehe just kidding....ok so got lily a new diaper and got her dressed.....then zaiden starts crying again because....well hes zaiden its what he finally after searching for my water bottle and a towel to take to the gym and my car keys (anyone think I need to be better organized? I totally do! lol) I get in the car only to realize that spin class started about 13 min ago....well crap! lets see if I can make it.....

Get in the car and pull onto newport....which just happens to be the ONLY way you can get on the damn freeway and its packed!!!! Phone call to katie

" you think this is worth it?" heheheh we all know where this is was decided that it was almost 9:30 am already (class started at 9:15 and is an hour long) by the time I got on the freeway and to the gym it was going to be about 9:45-9:50......then getting the kids checked into the daycare and situated another 5 about 9:55 give or take a few min....that would leave me with about 20 min of spin...yeah not worth it....AW SHUCKS! back home I go

now the one good thing about this is I actually had the chance to get some cleaning done :) yay cleaning!!!! Then some of the awesome ladies from my church called and wanted to stop you think that massive load of dishes was an excuse not to? no way!!!! I got them done....go me!!!!!! The visit was nice...we talked about church and how big the kids have gotten, how adorable lily was running around in her dress up clothes(think of her using a skirt as a dress, mismatchd heels and a tinkerbell hat) and how even though there is a la cocina in temecula it doesnt even compare to the la cocina in SCV....much like another restaurant they were talking about....some pancake house...I think it was IHOP but apparently it should have been called "IHOP away cause you suck at making pancakes".......its always a shame when that happens.

so after the ladies left I decided that it was little mans nap time...ok ok he decided it was little mans nap time..who am I kidding I cant control that down he goes and mommy gets to making me and the buggy some lunch......

Today it was a peanut butter and ALL NATURAL honey sammich.....ok so today was the day that we tried honey fresh from the bee I said im trying to find more ways for the fam to go more green and organic because...well because I want to.....fresh honey taste so much better then the honey from the bear( which me and judy got into a debate about because I say honey should not be marketed with a bear cause its an insult to bees lol)....if you havnt tried fresh fresh honey I recommend it! soooooo good. Lily not only ate her first helping but asked for more! she was very happy about her sammich


after lunch lily decided she wanted some mommy cuddle time so we layed together on the couch and watched some cartoons....I love that she loves to cuddle again. she melts my heart when she looks at me and says "Mommy...cuddle?" how can you say no to that?

so the day went on...mommy cleaned lilys room and I showed her where her toys are gonna go in her room and surprise surprise she actually listened and helped mommy pick up all her toys and blankets...she made me proud! on to brother room.....I got his laundry sorted and got out all his bibs to bring downstairs since I dont feed him in his room.....lily took it upon herself to try on every bib he owned proudly declaring how pretty she was hahahahaha. I wish I could have gotten pics but she moved to fast.

I then made us some dinner(obviously a few hours have gone by lol) and zaiden ate some more mixed cereal.....and even though he was spitting most of it out as soon as I took it away he got very upset.....not even 6 months and already my little fatty :D I love it! of course since he was spitting everything out that warranted a the good thing about giving him a bath in the sink is its convenient and i dont have to bend over....the bad thing is lily doesnt understand why she cant get in the sink....oh boy! soon as I finish zaidens bath lily needs one so upstairs we go. I get brother in a diaper so he doesnt pee all over everything and get her bath going....I sit her in the bath and look away for 2 seconds...when i look back she is peeing in the bath! "LILY! why are you tee teeing in the bathtub?!?!?" **insert blank look on her face here** got her out of the tub and onto the potty and emptied the tub......lily bath time take 2! I tell her that im gonna go get brother dressed and ready for bed and to call me when shes done. normally she would sit in the bath for ever if I let her so I wasnt worried. literally I sit down and she says "mommy I done!" "well lily boo your just gonna have to wait for a sec cause I gotta get brother dressed." well of course lily isnt gonna wait so what happens...I look up and see her naked as a fish standing in zaidens door "mommy I done" lol....well ok I guess she really was done.

now z man is in bed and lily is running around like a maniac watching kai lan and being lily. she keeps saying ready set go! 1 2 3 go! and then doing a lap around the downstairs. and now shes coping kai lan and speaking chinese. shes one crazy little girl who keeps me on my toes but I love her so much. so that was our day today...nothing to exciting but theres always something going on. Thanks for reading....whoever you are :D

Some pics from our day

(dont know why it wont flip this one but oh was still cute)

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Happy drink yourself silly day!!!!!

Although I cannot partake in this wonderful drink yourself silly day I am celebrating by taking a few sips of my first mojito.....ok more then a few sips but not even getting tipsy so no worries! SO all my friends who can in fact get piss your pants drunk then please have at it!

So today....well today was a good day! it started with an interesting morning of me and my two kids jammed into my did this happen you may ask yourself....or you may not but you know im gonna tell you anyway!

Lily has decided that everynight she needs cuddle time with mommy so most nights she comes into my bed and sleeps there until she decides she wants to go back to thats how she ended up there. Which might I add despite her small appearance she is apparently 10 ft wide and 6 ft tall.....that girl can take up the bed like no other.

So onto how zaiden got into the bed....he of course wakes up at least once a night for a feeding but sometimes two or three times. well last night just so happened I was way to tired and lazy to stand and breastfeed so he came into bed for a big family pow wow...just missing daddy :( makes me so sad.

so this morning I get to wake up to slaps in the face by a very happy zaiden....he was giggling and hitting away....he thinks its funny to slap the momma hahahahaha. so after some giggling and kissing and tickling my little man i decide that 6 45 is much to early to wake up and he needs to go back to his crib to play and mommy gets 15 more min of sleep. SO I stand up oh so quietly....tip toe out of the room so not to wake sleeping bratzilla and what happens....I hit the door way and lil miss wakes up, pops out from under the covers and says "GOOD MORNING MOMMY! LETS GO DOWNSTAIRS"! fail!!!!!! lol

Then we took a trip up to oceanside to go see ms kelly and hang out and also to register zaiden for his medical benefits....apparently some dumb dumb messed up in san diego but thats ok cause it was a good excuse to go to see kelly :D we got to hang out and play there for a little while and then headed home.

On the way home we stopped to see ms.tutti (aka Ms Judy) and play with the boys and generally just have a good time.

then we came home from there and the battle for dinner and changing and bed time begins. I can now say that both my babies are in bed( although miss lily is still awake but in her room so I think it counts) and mommy is downstairs enjoying the fabulous shrimp and chicken fajitas and my first mojito that my neighbor made for me :) The only thing that would make this more perfect is my hubby here to enjoy it with me.

so all in all today was not that exciting but it is my life and thats what im here to write about!

I figure this is how its gonna passionate about a few things in life so I am gonna start either combining them with my daily blog or making them a separate blog everyday.....right now however I am exhausted and think im gonna go to bed early.....have gym in the morning and i get to finally see ms kyleen after what feels like a million years.....and if I have to go to spinning then I will....maybe it will grow on me......or at least make my ass stop of the two

p.s as I finish typing this lily is yelling that she doesnt want it....what shes referring to I have no idea....but if she wakes up brother ill show her how much she doesnt want it hahahahahaha.

Off to regain my sanity for now,


Tuesday, May 4, 2010

well here we go.....

I have been looking for some way to fill my time at night other then cleaning and sitting on my butt watching tv so I decided to start this blog to talk about life.....basically my life as a mom, military wife and weirdo. I want all our family to be able to read about whats going on since im horrible at making phone calls and keeping in contact.

well lets see whats been going on....Taylor has been deployed for a little over two months and I miss him so much everyday. only about 5 more months to go and he will be for me and the kids we are keeping busy with different things. Lily is in her terrible twos and reminds me of this everyday lol. but she also reminds me how much she is learning and what a great big sister she is. She loves Zaiden so much and wants to do everything for him and doesnt understand shes kind of dangerous hahahahaahha. I cant believe my baby girl is 2 already....the time flew by way to quickly.

and Zaiden....our little z man....the most difficult baby alive....well he is growing and learning every day to. he is doing so much better compared to when he came into this world. He has finally grown out of his colic and everything but now he is teething so still somewhat miserable. he is doing great though and growing like a weed. He is currently almost 14 pounds and almost 26 inches....tall and skinny :D He rolls all over the place and hopefully will start sitting up soon.

as for me......well I have been trying to keep busy....i joined a gym with my great friends ive made here and im trying to get back into shape.....I have so many things I want to accomplish while taylor is gone and feel like im taking on to much but it keeps me busy.

I started using cloth diapers for zaiden for various reasons but I have taken a big interest in that and have started learning how to make them. Hopefully one day I can make some money doing it but for now its a hobby. ive been trying to take my family into more organic green ways of living because it seems like its better for everyone. One step at a time.

I guess let me start off the blog saying how our day went today. well lets see we woke up and after breakfast and getting ready, went for a fun filled hour or so at the gym...lily loves going to the gym cause that means she gets to play in the nursery with the rest of the kids and mommy gets a little bit of time to herself.

after the gym we had a lot of errands to do....we went to walmart, the dollar store and big lots. Now who would ever think that those few errands could turn into a big to do? well live with my children and it can hahahahaha. Zaiden is a very picky man who likes to get his nap when he wants his nap and when he doesnt watch out. He was crying a lot of the time from being tired and then wanting to be held and generally just being a fuss bucket. my poor little spoiled man oh how I love him so. Today was also his first day of trying carrots. I can safely say he was not a fan and the faces he made were both hilarious and adorable. Lily enjoyed helping feed him and he enjoyed spitting it out lol

Lets see lily boo has had a bad ear infection so she has been on some strong antibiotics and the poor thing has had the runs from it. so heres how the day went lol. we were in the dollar store and she informed me that she pooped. well at that exact moment I had no where to change her and we were almost done so i said ok wait a minute and we will go change keep in mind we are working on potty training and its a hit or miss with was a miss lol. so no longer then 5 min after she informs me she pooped she is then saying "mommy I tee tee" ( which means pee in this house) and I see it running down her leg....oh great! so then judy and I go looking through the dollar store trying to find a pair of shorts or something that I can change her into because of course I didnt pack her a second pair of clothes. We actually found this really cute skirt so all was right in the world of toddlerhood again. Back to shopping we we check out and I go out to the car to change her. Mind you im trying to change her while I have zaiden strapped to my chest in a dress and the wind blowing....I wonder if anyone saw my I hope not lol. so i get her changed....get my dollar store goodies unloaded into my black beauty of a vehicle and away we go into big lots......

well we walk through big lots....quickly cause judy only had about 30 min ( I must go back there again when we have extra money....I could do some serious damage to our bank account there, but today it was just the essentials) so we are walking through doing our thing and are about to leave when lily and max were playing and lily high fived the floor with her face.....of course this was upsetting to her so mommy was giving hugs and kisses when I look down and see brown goo on her can imagine the look on my face ( insert dumbfounded disgusted look here) lily did you poo poo? , lily: yeah mommy I poo poo

oh man did she ever! not only did she poo....she explosive pooed...out of the diaper and onto the floor. So at this point im a bit frazzled from zaiden screaming at me and me trying to control the 2 year old in a store so in a very frustrated about to lose my mind way I started cleaning her up. I made sure to tell her that it wasnt her fault but if she needs to go to the potty to let mommy know and I will take her. BUt really what can you expect from a toddler who has the runs? The only shining moment in this situation was the look on the cashiers face. Had I not been so frustrated with the day I would have been laughing my ass off.....she said here I have papertowels but could you throw it away outside? hahahahaha Thank God for judy.....had she not been there I very well could have curled up in the fetal position and not always the perfect mom and I dont always keep it together like I should but im learning.

so anyway back to the poo....I get lily cleaned up and put her in a new diaper....minus the new $1 skirt because that to had poo on it...needless to say it didnt make it out of the parking lot. LIly is now in a pull up and t shirt with her tinker bell shoes and we are checking out.

we make it home only to have more screaming children( for lack of naps) and more frustrated mommy......eventually we all calm down and get things done. Zaiden tried his carrots for the first time today and because that was a messy situation that ended in family bath time. then came to getting them to bed. oh man thats a whole different oprah and seeing how this is long enough lets just say it was difficult but both my beautiful babies are slumbering in their rooms. Zaiden will wake up in about 30 min or so for some boob and cuddle time and lily will wake up sometime in the middle of the night wanting to come into my room to cuddle......and I will of course let her because the queen size bed is far to big for just one person. and I like the cuddle time with my boo boo. Zaiden will wake up to eat again sometime in the middle of the night and I will most likely lay on his floor and feed him because I will be so out of it lol. awww the life of a mommy.....tomorrow it starts all over again. its a crazy life but its my life and I love it.

Until tomorrow.............

Bundt cake Baby maker out!