Tuesday, May 18, 2010

new blog as promised

I know I have been totally slacking but there has been so much going on!!!!! Lots of re-evaluation, a great visit from my mommy to help me keep my sanity, a birthday party, great freinds, my adorable children and of course this wouldnt be complete without mommy being sick.....oh wait....thats a bad thing.....

well yes I am started out as just my sinuses draining and progressed to a throat infection....not strep...just a throat infection and a massive sinus headache so im dealing with that as best as possible.

I have been learning how to deal with the kids in different ways....its so different being a parent of two and trying to cope with terrible twos and a needy baby (hes not bad hes just spoiled) and house projects and house work and so on and so forth. and the deployment......oh man the deployment. its been hard this time around. for various reasons. I miss him like crazy all the time and then of course there is the mis communication that takes place over email when you cant hear their voice or see their reaction. it leads to tension and fighting but I know we will come out on the other end of this stronger and more in love. I cant believe we have been married over 4 years....its just so crazy to me. I cant wait for our 5 year anniversary when we go get married by Elvis...everyone thinks im joking but its totally gonna happen hahahahahaha.

anyway back to my life the past little mom came down for the weekend and we did some serious retail damage at ross....I ended up returning most of the clothes cause they didnt fit right but it was fun shopping anyway. i cant wait til I lose all the baby weight! I know my body will never be the same cause I was assaulted by two babies but to just have the number down would make me happy. They were worth it though. I love that everyday they teach me something new...and they are teaching me to be more patient.

Today lily counted to 10.....I said hey lily lets count to 10 and she just did it....she skips the number 6 most of the time but she rambles off the other numbers like its nothing...I was so shocked and so proud because I taught her that. All those times I didnt think she was listening she was and she was learning. its just a beautiful feeling. we are working on the abc's to.....shes so funny cause she has the beat down for the abc song but doesnt know the letters. she will say a b c **insert lily babble here** and its so cute!!!!!! we went over each letter slowly and she repeated it back perfect. im just so proud of her. she is def in her terrible twos but she can be so damn adorable when she wants to.

and z that child is just such a pig. He is LOVING that he gets baby food now and if his rice cereal isnt on time in the morning he lets you know....if he doesnt get his lunch oh man watch out! lol. I love that he rolls everywhere and reaches for stuff and just the fact that he is so fascinated by the smallest things......his fav thing ever is the vacuum. That bad boy comes out and he is so excited!!!!!! he reaches for it and laughs at it. one of his fav things is to sit on my knee and I nuzzle his neck and he just laughs and laughs. He is such a cuddle bug and I love it. im hoping its not only cause hes breastfed cause I dont know if that is slowly coming to an end. He gets formula everyday before bed now and sometimes during the day because I fear my supply is getting low. all in all though I cant be upset because I made it to my goal of 6 months. anything beyond that was a huge plus and he is officially 6 months. for anyone that doesnt know I was only able to breastfeed lily for 8 weeks and it took a huge toll on me emotionally. I wanted so badly to be able to breastfeed and have a natural delivery and it just seemed like nothing with lily went to plan. I cant complain about it though because it made me a stronger made me realize not everything goes to plan and all you can do is hope for the best and push through the worst.

man this blog is a big babble tonight. maybe I should end it here and start fresh tomorrow. The fence is almost done so hopefully i will have completed pics of it tomorrow. I also will be waking up and cleaning and doing laundry and then going to a play date and more cleaning. I wish I could go to the gym but seeing how I am coughing every 5 seconds and my throat feels like its on fire this week is just not a gym week. and I must clean anyway because I HATE coming home to a messy house after being gone for a few days. Until tomorrow!